days of my youth电影

  • 腾讯视频


Red Bull Media House, in association with MSP Films, presents “DAYS OF MY YOUTH”, a new film that examines every skier’s lifelong affinity for the sport. Filmed over two years using state of the art techniques and technologies, this movie offers a unique glimpse into the journey of self-discovery that every skier experiences – exploring the globe and escaping to the playground of the mountains. Traveling worldwide, MSP’s team has looked through the lens in a new way to capture moments that redefine what is possible on skis.
The film exposes the joys and struggles associated with a lifetime built around skiing, all while narrated to the prolific readings of Alan Watts alongside profound insights from an intimate cast of skiing’s modern day superstars. “DAYS OF MY YOUTH” reminds every viewer of their first time on skis, and reinforces that the experience will continue to keep you young for a lifetime.

days of my youth在线观看免费版、手机在线播放和days of my youth迅雷下载地址,可用爱奇艺、优酷网、腾讯视频、百度云盘、百度网盘、days of my youth百度云资源和QVOD快播、吉吉影音、西瓜影音days of my youth免费播放完整版720p 蓝光1080p、BD超清版、HD高清版、国语版、粤语版、中文字幕版、中字英语版以及bt种子下载。在哪里可以看到未删减版mp4?搜索days of my youth电影免费观看完整版全集有惊喜!查看更多 2015-12-15 13:29:04